VASER Liposuction
Offered at our convenient location in Portland, Oregon
VASER Liposuction is an advanced body-contouring procedure that selectively removes unwanted body fat. VASER Liposuction uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to easily reshape your body.
About VASER Liposuction

If you’ve struggled with weight gain, and exercise and diet just haven’t given you the dramatic transformation you’d like, VASERliposuction™ can help. VASER Liposuction uses a precise, minimally invasive liposuction technology that produces eye-catching results in just one procedure, without the discomfort and long recovery times of typical liposuction treatments. The procedure is tissue-selective — targeting fat while protecting other tissues from damage. It’s powerful enough to eliminate substantial areas of fat, but gentle enough to treat delicate areas such as the neck and arms. VASER Liposuction is clinically proven to produce even results in treated areas, leaving your skin smooth and your body beautiful.
Before and After Photos
Key Benefits of VASER Liposuction
- Provides significant results with a single procedure, with speedy recovery time
- Achieves improved body contouring over traditional liposuction
- Easily removes large amounts of stored fat
- Smoothes the skin, even in delicate areas like the arms and neck
- Refines and accentuates appearance of muscles
Understanding VASER Liposuction

VASER Liposuction uses a minimally invasive liposuction technique that selectively breaks apart and removes unwanted fat with minimal trauma.
The targeted area is injected with a special saline solution (tumescent fluid) to numb the area and shrink local blood vessels. It also temporarily expands the volume of the target area, making fat cells easier to remove.
Small probes are then inserted into the body through small incisions. These probes resonate at a high ultrasound frequency, shaking fat cells loose while leaving surrounding tissues intact. The loose fat cells mix with the tumescent fluid, and are then removed from the body using special cannulas that help preserve the tissue matrix.

Benefits of VASER Liposuction
The VASER Liposuction procedure utilizes minimally invasive ultrasound technology and is unique in its ability to spare important tissues while targeting fat. (Fat cells, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues are all part of the affected tissue matrix.) Our innovative technology breaks up fat while leaving all other important tissues intact, resulting in smooth results and rapid healing.
Many patients choose to have fat removed from one area of the body with a VASER Liposuction procedure and have it transferred to accentuate or contour another area of the body in what is called a Fat Transfer Procedure. Fat cells treated and removed during VASER Liposuction procedures are typically of high quality, and are viable to reintroduce into the body in a Fat Transfer Procedure.
- Jowls, chin, and neck
- Abdomen, hips, and “love handles”
- Male and female breasts
- Back, buttocks, and thighs
- Upper arms
- Knees, calves, and ankles
Ideal Candidates

Liposuction is particularly well-suited for individuals who are at or slightly above their ideal weight but have isolated pockets of fat that cause certain areas of their body to appear disproportionate. These localized fat deposits may sometimes be an inherited trait and typically are resistant to dieting or exercise. Liposuction is often the only way to eliminate them. While it is possible to undergo liposuction at almost any age, best results are obtained if your skin still has enough elasticity to achieve a smooth contour following fat removal. Liposuction should not be considered a substitute for overall weight loss. Liposuction can be performed on several areas of the body at the same time.
The price for VASER Liposuction varies depending on the number and size of the areas treated, the techniques used, and your ultimate goals. Your provider and you will work together to create a customized treatment plan that’s tailored to your body, your goals, and your budget.