We’ve all been there before. You’re doing great with dieting, exercising, and losing weight then … boom, you hit a plateau.
You look at yourself in the mirror and think, “I can’t get rid of this last little bit of skin and fat.”
Then, the idea of liposuction comes to mind.
But wait…Liposuction? Is it safe? Expensive? Is it considered cheating?
We understand your concerns and are here to help you have peace of mind.
In this article we will review these key things:
- What is liposuction?
- Who is liposuction for?
- How to prepare for liposuction
- Alternatives to liposuction
Keep reading to learn more about liposuction and to discover if it could be the right procedure for you.
What Is Liposuction?
According to MedlinePlus, liposuction is the removal of excess body fat by suction using surgical equipment.
Many people get liposuction to improve their looks.
It is used to shape the skin around the:
- Chin
- Neck
- Cheeks
- Upper arms
- Breasts
- Stomach
- Hips
- Thighs
- Knees
- Calves
- Ankle areas
Liposuction can help boost your esteem and help you feel more confident about your physical appearance.
Who is Liposuction for?
Liposuction is for many people who want to have their body image changed.
Especially for people who have been dieting and exercising and are not getting their desired results.
However, the best way to know if liposuction is for you is to have a consultation with one of our physicians.
Is Liposuction Safe Before Pregnancy?
The short answer to this question is, yes!
Liposuction before pregnancy is safe and can be recommended.
During liposuction, fat cells are removed which will aid in keeping down the amount of fat you gain during pregnancy.
And if you don’t know … there are different types of liposuction that may not be as invasive as the surgical procedure.
Laser liposuction uses a laser to melt fat under the skin. But, is laser liposuction safe?
According to Science Daily, laser liposuction does not have the same risks as the surgical procedure of liposuction.
It also has the added benefit of producing collagen which helps give skin tone, texture, and can help tighten the skin.
To find out more information about liposuction and pregnancy, please schedule a consultation with one of our physicians.
Is Liposuction Safe for Men?
Liposuction is a generally safe procedure for most individuals.
For men, it has been shown to be more effective than women because men retain their skin elasticity longer than women.
Typically, men want liposuction for either their
- Chests
- Stomach area
- Neck area
For a specific look or to target an area, please feel free to speak to one of our physicians who can further guide you in your journey.
Click here to see more of our services.
Is Liposuction Safe For Obese People?
It’s important to remember that there are risks involved with any type of procedure or surgery.
As time has progressed, the safety of liposuction for people with different health conditions has improved.
New technology has made it possible to minimize the amount of…
- bleeding
- swelling
- other risks
…that once made the surgical liposuction procedure very risky.
But the question still remains: Is it safe to do liposuction?
According to a study in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, large volume liposuction has proven to be safe and effective in selected patients as a weight loss technique on a short term basis.
According to the study, liposuction cannot be used as a substitute for eating healthy and exercising.
You can stay healthy and keep fat at bay by living a healthy lifestyle and getting liposuction.
As with any procedure, it is always best to consult a physician to explore the best options right for you.
Is Liposuction Safe For Diabetics?
According to an article on liposuction, people with well-controlled diabetes who haven’t experienced kidney problems are good candidates for the procedure.
An alternative to liposuction that our office provides can be found here.
If you have diabetes or other underlying health conditions, it is always best to talk to one of our doctors to see what would be the best and safest procedure to help you get your body looking the way you want.
The Procedure: How To Prepare And What To Expect
There are a few things that you can do in order to prepare for your liposuction such as the following:
- Disclose all medical conditions to your doctor to ensure your safety. You can put your health at risk by omitting information from your doctor in order to be approved for the procedure.
- Your doctor will give you a list of things to avoid two weeks before your procedure such as avoiding aspirins, ibuprofen, and supplements.
- Make sure to complete any physically tasking things before the procedure, such as cleaning, cooking, moving things, etc … to reduce the amount of stress after your procedure.
- Try and maintain a healthy weight, diet, and exercise plan that you can continue after the procedure is completed.
Your commitment to following directions and disclosing information will help reduce any risks that may be associated with the procedure.
Pre-Procedure: How to Prepare For Liposuction
Here are several things to do right before your liposuction procedure:
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid shaving near the area of the procedure 24 hours before to avoid infections
- Wear loose clothing so that you are comfortable after the procedure
- Have someone drive you to the procedure
- Avoid drinking alcohol 48 hours prior to the procedure
- Don’t eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to the procedure
If you believe you will have high anxiety before the procedure, talk to our doctors about putting a plan into place the day before getting liposuction to help you get the sleep you need and to ease your mind.
Post-Procedure: How Long Is The Recovery After Having Liposuction
After your procedure, you may have some:
- Bruising
- Soreness
- Swelling
To control swelling, your doctor may require you to wear compression garments one to two months after the procedure.
A hospital stay may not be required depending on the type of liposuction performed.
You may feel pain between two to five weeks after the procedure.
Around the fourth week, can do light exercise such as walking but heavy lifting or other exercising requiring heavy exertion should be avoided.
After six weeks, most bruising and swelling will have decreased and you may not need to wear compression garments.
How Safe Is Liposuction? Possible Risks During And After Liposuction:
Possible risks with liposuction include but are not limited to the following:=
- Infection
- Damage to deep tissue such as blood vessels, nerves, and abdominal organs
- Change in skin sensation
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Cardiac and pulmonary complications
- Blood clots
- Heart and kidney problems
- Poor wound healing
You should speak to our doctors about any concerns you may have about the safety of the procedure.
Alternatives To Liposuction
If you’re curious about alternatives to liposuction, Bridgetown Aesthetics offers a number of different treatments, including: :
- Laser Therapy — a laser is used to smooth away fat deposits
- Cryolipolysis — extreme cold used to reduce fat deposits
- Ultrasound waves — high sound wave frequencies are given through ultrasound to target subcutaneous fat
- CoolSculpting — based on Cryolipolysis
If you are interested in our alternative services, please reach out to us today!